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Get AI Superpowers

Without an Army Of AI Engineers

Dimgi App makes AI more accessible with standard templates for companies using drones. Small teams without AI skills will create more value with less effort.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. With standardized templates, and without human intervention, you can measure roof dimensions, count thousands of trees, manage biodiversity and much more.

Direct to the Measure

What's Great About Dimgi App?

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Your Data First

Your data is everything. Being a Data-Centric App, you can access your data like any other online storage, OneDrive or Google Drive for example.

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Born to Be Easy

Designed to be easy to use above all. You only need 3 clicks to perform the job, providing solutions to your clients faster than your competitors.

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Automatic Analytics

Dimgi provides you with automatic algorithms allowing you to go from data to decision making without human intervention.

Create Value

Dimgi Forge
Craft on the Forge

Template Superpowers

This is the place where magic happens. Find all your templates in one place. Starting from free you can test how models behave with your drone images and videos.

  • Detect objects on images and videos

  • Measure roof dimensions

  • Count thousands of trees

  • and much more

Dimgi Business Decision-making
Business Solutions

Solutions for Decision-making

Doing analytics by hand on hundreds or thousands of images coming from videos or other sources is extremely hard to achieve. Automatic algorithms do the job for you, you'll have into a report all the information you need for decision-making.

  • Not in weeks but in seconds

  • Generate solution for the real-world

Custom Templates

Create Your Own Solutions

Dimgi provides standard templates but you can also create your own templates. With or without our help, you’ll find in the Forge the tools you need to build your custom templates based on standard on or forging your own (Please start talking with us).

  • Drag & drop your selected your task

  • Connect in/out

  • Run your custom template

Our Clients

“Fantastic AI app for getting value from my drone images. Works perfectly everyday!”

Alyvia Cope, Design at Company

“A very useful platform for intensive tasks that are very hard to do by hand. I use it in every project.”

Travis Guidelines, Manager at Company

Regain Control of Your Data

Get started for free and dive into Dimgi App now. You will quickly start creating solutions into the Forge - it doesn't get easier than this!

Last Updates

Creativity Blog

Instance Segmentation Mask
General ·
Instance Segmentation Mask

Why you should perform an image segmentation mask? This is an useful way to identify objects IDs on an image and then process them as different instances.

UAV Show Bordeaux 2021
News ·
UAV Show Bordeaux 2021

[J-1] Join us at Open Space Innovation 19-20 October at the UAV Show Bordeaux. The most important exposition of drone technology in Europe.